Friday, December 30, 2011

Give Some To Yourself

As we bring 2011 to a close, we reflect back on this past year. I'm sure we all have many stories to tell, some that are still unfolding, that we'll take into the new year.  But, as we reflect, as I reflect, I am thinking hard on the things, people, situations I will leave behind in 2011.

The Christmas holiday symbolizes giving, although the media and most of our society has commercialized the season, its still one of my favorites.  We come together, do for others, give to others, and celebrate the birth of our Savior with family and friends.  This past holiday season, I couldn't give much to others that involved monetary gifts, but I always try to give myself to others.  Whether its a meal, hospitality, a prayer, my time, my love, I tried to give something, but I found I didn't give myself much of anything.

So, for the last few days of this wonderful month of December, I will give myself to me, some quiet time, some laughter, some peace, and some happiness, and a whole lot of love.  I will be selfish, I will be uncompromising, I will put myself first, I will do exactly what I want to do for me, myself and I.
So with that, I say, happy holidays and have a wonderful new year!

Peace and blessings,


I guess its time that I really stop trying, this dating thing that is
I guess its time for me to really give God a chance
Give myself some time for some true healing.
See, I've never really been without a man, or some imitation of someone that resembled something like a man
I guess its time for me to dig deep within
Give my mind some peace and true relaxation, accomplish some things that have been plaguing me.
So, its time to tuck my heart away, hide it from those clones who may be lurking around night and day...
Time to let my soul fly free, become truly excited about being in the midst of me.
Being happy with the woman God has fashioned of me
I guess I've given so much of myself to others, that I haven't given much of anything to me.
So I guess in this season and spirit of giving, I'm giving my heart back to me and will prosper in the things that God has for me.