Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This Is War: Love and Lust

As many of you know, I have been on a true journey the past few years. Coming to terms and grips with hurts, addressing more of my past and simply operating in the realms of love and forgiveness, feeling whole and complete within my skin. There will always be a battle to be fought and won and there are times I find myself under attack. In the past, the attack has been on my morality, finances, my spirituality, and now I am battling my mind between this love and lust thing.

There is this saying so many of us use these days to justify behavior, “You only live once”. Yes, this is a true statement, YOLO, so true. But within this statement I find myself telling myself, “You’ve allowed your soul to die once, that’s more than enough.” But temptation can be a mofu!!! While I know exactly what I desire in a mate, when something else is presented to me that I know is no good for me, its becomes war to avoid it at all costs, especially when strong attraction is evident. I battle the shoulds and should nots over and over again in my mind. And now more than ever, I am fully aware of myself, I am present, I see me, I’m connected to me, my feelings, emotions, desires, my yearnings. I am then reminded not to block my blessings.  

I am a Christian, I am a woman, a mother; I am blood pumping and heart beating flesh and regardless of what I presume to know the right course of action to be, what I do know is that holding out for what I truly want, desire need on many levels is not as easy to hold out for. Although, I never thought it would be easy, I also didn’t realize how strong the temptation would be until it presented itself. So yes, this is war for me, this love and lust thing. I am praying hard, speaking into my life, as well as others. Think what you will…but I hope not to succumb to the latter, and that’s real.

Peace and blessings,


He said he wanted to smell it
I said put your face in it
He said he wanted to taste it
I said he would need to suck it
He said he wanted to kiss it
I said I want you to lick it
He said he wanted to put his finger in it
I said sure, but hum on it

He said he wanted to squeeze on it
I said nibble on it
He said he wanted to blow on it
I said put sum ice on it, chew sum gum and nibble on it
He said he wanted to watch
I said why not

He said he wanted to tease
I said I wanted to be pleased
He said he wanted to grab and pull
I said I wanted more and more
He said he wanted to hit the floor
I said I couldn't take no more

He said she said and they went they separate ways and slept in their respective beds

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Where Life Begins

Another Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and my thoughts are on the mothers who raised me; my biological mother, my grandmother, my aunties and the many older women that have mentored me along the way; they are countless and each hold a special place in my heart. I have been a mother now for 15 years and it is by far the toughest job I’ve been tasked with. It’s also a role that continues to grow me, teach me, strengthen me and motherhood continuously challenges me. I would say the challenges are because I operate a single parent household, but that’s not it. I would say it’s because I’m raising my youngest child whose biological father has abandoned her, but that’s not it either. The challenges come with raising children to respect, honor and love themselves and others unconditionally; not allowing anyone to take advantage of them. The challenges come from making sure that they are well educated, active and occupied. The challenges come from ensuring that they are safe, healthy and supported. The challenges come from trying to be the best possible parent to them that we know how, while coping with our own unresolved issues.

My thoughts are also on the many fathers that are raising children where the mothers are absent, the fathers that struggle with grooming their little girl’s hair, but try they best and keep it moving. My thoughts are on countless grandparents raising children, hats off to you. My thoughts are on the women whom lost their children in the womb, after birth and to the streets, my heart cries out with yours. Raising children takes conscious effort; it’s a testament to our unselfishness as parents; putting their needs before our own.

The past few weeks I’ve been quiet and I can’t put my finger on it. My mood has been slightly pensive, in a good way. As a mother, I miss the mark often and I’ve been exploring two very tough questions that I never thought to ask myself before; “What did I miss and How did I miss it,” relating to several situations that caused me pain beyond belief. Maybe these questions have caused my quietness. Some of us love to criticize our peers concerning the way we raise our children, but truth be told, not one of us have any room to do so, which doesn’t stop us, but we need to be careful about that. We all do our best and sometimes our best isn’t good enough and that’s just the reality of it all. In exploring the “what did I miss and how” I hope to become enlightened, recognizing what do to differently next time, that’s all I can do.
This mother’s day, send love and light to the many mothers you know, the many fathers you know raising children without the help of the mother, your aunts, grandmothers, and your sister friends; especially those who are hoping to conceive.

Wishing you a very special and hopeful mother’s day, with love,


The rhythm is in my being
Wrapped up in every fiber I was created with
My womb was created to procreate 
What’s between my inner thighs is more than an opening for you to come inside

The rhythm was placed in my bosom
Blood pumping to be a mother
Not for you to use and abuse
My soul was not for me to taint with distasteful morality

The rhythm is in my innateness to nurture
To love unconditionally trusting blindly
Sexed to oblivion and left with resentment stained on my sheets
Savaged violently as if I were a piece of meat

The rhythm lies in my throne to which I am queen
Esteemed with royalty and crowned
You were dethroned as I’ve come into my own
Kingdom of motherhood I own

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Bitter With the Sweet

There’s this saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, I’m sure your fully aware of this saying. My question is do you make lemons or lemonade? I think it’s easy to become negative, get down on yourself and take on the “woe is me” attitude, but does that make you feel better about yourself? Well, for me it did not. I recall the days all too well when I was that girl. I felt as if I couldn’t get a break. I had to contend with so much so often that I didn’t even realize my role in my own unhappiness.

I’ve found that exerting positivity can sometimes take a little more work and effort than its counterpart, but it’s truly worth the effort. I now surround myself with positive people, affirmations, literature and most importantly in my world, the word of God. I’m mindful of what I feed myself, even when it comes to music and what I watch on television. I make a conscious effort to accentuate my happy place these days and I focus on the day, not my past and not what’s to come, making sure I plan for the best outcomes in all situations, as best I can.

There are days where I still struggle with finding my happy. I especially struggle when I feel like situations converge upon me in a day or a few days’ time, but I quickly go “inside” of myself and find that place of peace and happiness. I’ve discovered life is too short to give so much energy and power to the latter. All I know how to do these days is be a positive and upbeat person; I refuse to be anything else. And I so thank the angels that God has placed upon my path to water and grow me into this being. If I hadn’t had the same, I’m not sure of the person I would have become.
There are time I also become distant, I withdraw and retreat quickly these days from situations that are not bringing me life, that are not feeding my soul in a good and positive way, again, I’ve spent too much time being down on myself and exuding a negative countenance. I’ve learned how to accept the bitter with the sweet, it’s a part of life, part of growing pains, so I choose not to worry and be happy in it all!

Peace and blessings,

My Happy
Ocean sprays, sun hung low, kissing and hugging my skin, creating glittering beads of sweat
Children laughing and playing, couples holding hands and beach strolling
Melodic tunes being orchestrated by huge waves, seagulls and folks all around, kites being flown
Huge clouds above me dancing a waltz
Electric sensations make my awareness seem cosmic like
I’m floating on air, calm and cool and my worries have been overtaken and subdued.

Take a listen to my theme song:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Life Happens...

February and March have been very emotional for me. That may be an oxymoron considering how emotional of a person I am, but it’s been more emotional than usual. I learn something new almost every day and I don’t take my encounters with life lightly, I never have, but I’ve been reminded of how precious this life we are given is. It’s truly hit home that there are folks that will leave this earth unhappy, never reaching their potential, never recognizing their talents nor tapping into their purpose. I am blessed to finally be on this path of enlightenment.

I have also recognized that a lot of us don’t recover from hurts and situations that shake us to our core. We all don’t overcome depression and hardships that we face. I think I’ve been a bit arrogant in this area. I assumed at some point that we all draw from the strength inside of us and push forward. I know whole heartedly that the strength I draw from is my Gods strength, Jesus Christ, and I know that He alone has kept me and sent angels along the way to help me. Everyone doesn’t have this relationship; everyone is not built with the same resilience to overcome and conquer the ills that plague us in this life. This has been completely recognized the past few weeks for me.

Last night I thumbed through a few of my old journals, and some of the things I read, all I could do was shake my head, but then I smiled and thanked God for how good He has been in my life. I was a screwed up young girl, for many reasons. I read a passage where I wrote about asking God to take my life for me. Yup, I couldn’t believe it either. And because He wouldn’t take my life, I was contemplating ways to do it myself. To God be the glory, I am still here, no longer battling the demons of my yester year. But, there are still challenges I face, and healing is ongoing, but you work towards it. I have to, giving up is not an option for me, especially when I have been blessed and tasked to raise two beautiful young ladies.

God has given me a certain level of compassion for people, a certain care and concern and it’s innately in me to give to others. This is why I pour out my soul, open and honestly, to a fault a lot of the times. But it’s for my continuous healing and more importantly, in hopes to heal another. I want to be remembered for my compassion, and the love that I share with others, that’s it. Some will remember me as other things, a heart breaker, unemotional, that B****, maybe even unforgiving and that’s cool, because I’ve been those things and much more, but I’ve asked for forgiveness and I’ve forgiven myself for an awful lot of things.  But I say all of this to say, life happens to some of us, and more often than we think, it doesn’t work out for the good of everyone, and it’s been a humbling reality to absolutely accept this truth. So, show a little compassion from time to time, you never know where it may lead you. And reinforce your mind several times a day with scripture, positive messages and affirmations to combat negative thoughts, and find a mentor doing bigger and better than you. I read The Daily Motivator; I receive the Valerie Burton newsletter, the Bible, Acts of Faith and many others that motivate and inspire me. It all begins and ends with your thought process.

Peace and many blessings,

from Who Will Cry for the Little Boy?

who will cry for the little boy?
Lost and all alone.
Who will cry for the little boy?
Abandoned without his own?
Who will cry for the little boy?
He cried himself to sleep.
Who will cry for the little boy?
He never had for keeps.
Who will cry for the little boy?
He walked the burning sand
Who will cry for the little boy?
The boy inside the man.
Who will cry for the little boy?
Who knows well hurt and pain
Who will cry for the little boy?
He died again and again.
Who will cry for the little boy?
A good boy he tried to be
Who will cry for the little boy?
Who cries inside of me

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Who Knew it Would Feel Like This?

Today marks my oldest daughter’s 15th birthday. Celebrating her birthday always makes me so emotional, and I never really understood why until today. I thought it was because she is my 1st, or because she’s steadily growing up in front of me, but this morning I realized it’s much deeper than that. I realized the emotion tied to her birthday truly marks my growth as a woman, a mother, an over-comer. Having my daughter at 20 years old without having my parents or family around was tough, amid other circumstances I faced, in a place that I didn’t know a whole lot about. I realized today that my daughter grew me up quickly and she grew up with me.

Learning to not take myself and others so seriously has become one of my newest biggest lessons in this life. I find that I frustrate my friends and they to frustrate me and we may even hurt one another’s feelings, without intention, but it has nothing to do with our hearts, but more so our heads. We all process things differently, deal with our issues differently and I am learning to truly accept things for what they are and not get so bent out of shape. Life is too short to become consumed with petty misunderstandings, hurt feelings and egos, this life is about living and loving yourself and every part of your existence.

In my few short years on this earth, I thought I knew what it was to love myself and have joy in my heart, but I have harbored more pain, self-destructing behavior, and more unforgiveness than the average person. This past year I have set myself free from past hurts. I have forgiven the most unforgiving and I have come to terms with a past that most know nothing about, beginning with childhood experiences. Man, I was so uptight, and I have been actively working on loosening up. I hate to be vulnerable, but I am learning I must be, just a little bit. I thought I loved myself all along, but now I know what it truly feels like to love and be in love with this woman that I am. I love writing about my lessons and transitions as a woman, it’s so exhilarating, and if I were a man, I would write about that to (smile). I can pat myself on my back and say, “You ain’t doin half bad Shamina Williams”, and say it proudly and confidently.

Do I still have a few hurdles to overcome, sure, do I still struggle with insecurity, absolutely, but I am so much more confident than I’ve ever been and I never knew loving myself this way would ever feel like this. I am so free, mentally and emotionally; my soul is good and spirituality I can listen with ears I didn’t know I had. Life is good people, so live it without regret, being confident in whom you are and your ability to go as far as your thinking will take you. Believe in yourself and know that any thought that enters your mind can be accomplished. It’s not always about working hard, but working smarter and learning how to love and nurture your mind, body and soul.

Peace and blessings,

I've been physically and sexually abused, been stripped of my pride, dignity and even more
slept on mattresses on a bare floor, begged for bread, money, food and more
but I am woman hear me roar
I've been down, but not defeated, heart bruised, shattered in many pieces, but not broken nor downtrodden
lost everything, gained everything, doors shut behind me that were never reopened, pushing me to move forward
I am woman hear me roar
some have attempted to dominate, hate me, slur my name
abandoned me, my child, tears turned into work, a resilience I never knew existed
love exploded out of hurt, hands rough and tough from my labor and work
body aches and pains from the tiredness and strain of holding it all together, but it ain't over yet as there is so much more as I see the day approaching
I am woman hear me roar