There are times when we have so much going on that we lose
focus on what’s most important. I look at my children and think to myself often
that we are not too far removed in our habits. There are times that my teenager
appears to “not get it.” I have been on her a lot lately concerning her grades
and stressing to her the importance of being able to balance all that is on her
plate. Offering my help and assistance when it comes to studying or special projects,
and often times she has turned me down and it has hurt her in more ways than
one. But I have forgotten to praise her more often than not because I’ve been
so focused on the, well, not so good habits and mediocre grades.
We adults often times spread ourselves way to then and we don’t
know when to quite ask for help. There are times when we need to learn how to
balance our workload and pay attention to all that’s around us, not simply
focusing on some things and neglecting others, whether it be the laundry, quality
time with our children; especially one on one time if you have more than one,
or maybe its sticking to a budget and creating financial security. We all have
areas of improvement and there are moments we must chastise ourselves, but also
pat ourselves on the back for a job well done when needed.
I am thankful for this special time in my life, I am
actually focused and pursuing, not only my dreams, but pursuing the gift that
God has given me with my ability to put my thoughts on paper which translates
into poetry. I am thankful that He is showing me how to love myself more and
more daily, like never before, showing me that He is keeping me and my dependency
is on Him. As people, we are funny, we allow our feelings to dictate our mood,
our happiness and reactions to situations a lot of the time, and when our
children exhibit the same behavior, we hold them to a higher standard, so
unfair, especially when we find ourselves acting more like a child than not.
As we approach Thanksgiving Day this week, be mindful of all
that’s been given to you and your family, praying for those who are still suffering
from the effects of Sandy, for those dealing with any new and sudden change in
certain areas of their lives and lay aside pettiness, backbiting, judgment of
others for things that they’ve said that may have hurt your feelings, for
actions that weren’t loving, etc., lay it all aside and give thanks for all
that you are, all that you are becoming and all that has been given to you.
With this being said, I implore you to ask for what you
need, lay aside childish behavior and act is if you are exactly where you wish
to be I life at this point in time. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving all!
Peace and blessings,
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the
serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr